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"A gift for me - and for my family."

“This program was a game changer. Having joined more in search of better nervous system regulation than help with emotional eating, I was a bit uncertain about how much of the course would directly resonate with me. As it turned out, the curriculum was broadly applicable to a wide variety of issues - and both the substance and the organization of the materials was brilliant. I feel more centered, less reactive and much less inclined to numb my feelings, especially anxiety) with drink, food and mindless scrolling. A gift for me - and for my family. Regardless of your motivation, in this program you will feel validated, seen, heard and accepted. I’m truly grateful to Lisa for her passion, energy, empathy and support.”

- Kristin

"As I worked through the program, taking value out of every single module, video, exercise and call, I found myself constantly taken aback by her magic."

"I decided to join the Out of the Cave group coaching program because I was not having success on my own making some very needed lifestyle changes.
Her knowledge, first hand lived experience and skilled coaching all come together in a very unique package. She is compassionate, stern and funny all at the same time.
Most notably for me, as I worked through the program, taking value out of every single module, video, exercise and call, I found myself constantly taken aback by her magic.
Every time she made a learning point, I would go inside my head and think "but in MY unique situation, this manifests as x, y and z. I'll have to ask Lisa how I should manage this." Then I would tune back in to the learning and EVERY SINGLE TIME she was already there answering my exact question. That is a complete package!!!"

- Kathi

"Because of Lisa, I have learned how to be my own best friend."

"Lisa’s passion for helping individuals be the best, strongest, and compassionate versions of themselves shines through in her work. From her videos, which has made me learn so much about myself, to her one-on-one client work, Lisa is always able to curate teaching moments that lead to transformative action. Because of Lisa, I have learned how to be my own best friend, an advocate I can always count on. I’m so grateful for Lisa for all that she’s done and I’m so excited to see the inspiring work she continues to do each day!"

- Princess

"Being free of my obsession with food has been life-changing."

"I'm a 39-year-old wife and mother of 2, and my struggles with food and body image started back when I was a young teenager. I've lost and gained hundreds of pounds over my lifetime, followed many diets, and suffered from different eating disorders. When I first reached out to Lisa, I was exhausted by the constant thoughts of food and body image that swirled around in my head. I had no idea how to eat if I wasn't tracking or following a plan. I was stuck in a vicious cycle of tracking, restriction, and bingeing. The scale kept creeping up and I was ready for food to stop ruling my life.

Working with Lisa has been life-changing. I have learned such valuable tools for listening to my mind and body. I am no longer defined by how lean I am or how perfectly I hit my macros. I have learned to feel my feelings, rather than turning to food to numb them. Being free of my obsession with food has been life-changing. I am a better wife, mother, and business owner and I'm enjoying life more than ever. Lisa's work has been the greatest investment I've ever made in my myself. She is so real, so relatable, and so caring and I cannot ever thank her enough for the help she has given me!"

- Mary

"Being part of the group has forced me to look at things about myself I didn’t even know were there."

"I have been struggling with chronic pain for years. In 2021 I discovered Nicole Sachs. I soon realized that being in a near constant of fear was behind my chronic pain. After hearing Lisa on Nicole’s podcast I realized a big part of that fear was due to food and body image issues. I reached out to Lisa and I initially spent some one on one time with her. I was immediately impressed with her knowledge and the speed with which she zeroed in on my personal issues.

I moved on to her 4 month group early this year. When the group started I was struck by the uncomfortable feelings that it brought up for me. It wasn’t easy. I didn’t want to do it. I checked in with Lisa because I felt that maybe group work was not for me and that I should just do one on one with her. She wisely advised that for many reasons being with the group was exactly where I needed to be. This was a big revelation for me! Being part of the group has forced me to look at things about myself I didn’t even know were there.

The community that Lisa has built is full of kind and compassionate people who struggle in similar ways. It is so helpful to know you are not alone! Even though the group work is not a quick fix and I know I have lots of work ahead of me it is a huge relief to know I am in the right place with Lisa and her group."

- Heather

"Coming out of the cave has been the best thing I have ever done for myself and I encourage all who are struggling around food, their bodies, and connecting their mind and body to sign up ASAP!"

"Lisa is a true gem, a real healer, and a knowledgeable source when it comes to all things mind & body connection & working on your relationship with food. When I saw Lisa speak back in 2019, I was floored at how much our narratives connected and I felt drawn to her way of speaking/teaching. Lisa and I have kept in touch a lot over the two years between seeing her speak and signing up for her group course. And well I am so mad I didn’t make the investment earlier for myself. I have been able to connect with my inner child, learned to be more aware of my WHY around my behavior, thoughts, and emotions, and make choices for myself that I never would have thought to make before. Lisa comes to each lecture and q&a with open ears and an open heart to help each member in the group learn, feel validated, and be seen. The material is broken down in such a way that you can REALLY understand it and apply it to pieces of your life. And the other members of the group are so wonderful, open, and vulnerable, and want you to succeed as much as they want to succeed. Coming out of the cave has been the best thing I have ever done for myself and I encourage all who are struggling around food, their bodies, and connecting their mind and body to sign up ASAP!"

- Maggie D

"Every week, I found a little part of me. I found the scared little girl, the angry teenager, the sad and lonely single mother. I found them and all while feeling validated, safe and loved."

"‘What the fuck did I just do!’, those were my thoughts after my video call with Lisa and signing up for the Out of the Cave Program. I was so worried that I had just wasted a lot of money. I thought that this program would be like every other weight loss program that I’ve tried over the past 20 or so years. I even thought of just cutting my losses and not showing up. But.....I did show up. I was terrified but I “felt the fear and did it anyway”, and it turned out to be so much more then I bargained for. Every week, I found a little part of me. I found the scared little girl, the angry teenager, the sad and lonely single mother. I found them and all while feeling validated, safe and loved.

I also found a group of people that cared and supported me exactly the way I am. A community of like minded people that GOT ME and I realized that it is not about my weight, it is not about the food. It was never about the food but thank goodness that I thought it was, because without that, I never would have found myself, my tribe and my way home."

- Mel

"Healing, awareness, and love have now taken the place of fear and rigidity. It feels amazing to say that I’m in recovery!!!!"

"My heart sinks when I think back to how close I was to not joining this course! I was on the fence for several weeks, wondering if this program was going to be the right fit to finally help me overcome my eating disorder and my preoccupation with weight. One of the questions I remember asking Lisa was, “Will there be people in the group like me?”

Taking that risk ended up being one of the best things that has ever happened to me! Over the last several months I have not only gained many life long friends from the group, (including Lisa and Alé) but I’ve also learned how to show real compassion to myself (and all the parts that make up who I am).

In this process of studying, doing the homework, listening to the calls, and asking questions, I’ve felt something slowly shift. Healing, awareness, and love have now taken the place of fear and rigidity.
It feels amazing to say that I’m in recovery!!!! I have so much hope in my future and what I can finally move my attention to now that I have leveled up and can see new potential for my life. One of the best surprises is that my connections with my family and friends have deepened as I’ve also worked to love myself better.

Thank you a million times over. 🤍"

- Andrea

"Her mind-body approach helped me begin the healing journey on a much deeper level."

"I wholeheartedly recommend the group coaching program. Lisa is an incredibly gifted and supportive coach. She has the real-life experience of having been where we are. She also has the credentials, insight, compassion, empathy, and emotional intelligence which make her uniquely qualified to help others dealing with emotional eating, disordered eating, yo-yo dieting, body image issues, and the like. Her mind-body approach helped me begin the healing journey on a much deeper level."

- Tania

"I am more connected to myself, body and mind, than I ever have been thanks to Lisa’s guidance."

"2020 may have delivered pure chaos, but it also brought me LISA.

I had spent 30 years in a battle with my body. There was not a day that went by where my body size did not sit front row in my life. Keto, cleanses, nutritionists, trainers, I was even on a weight-loss TV show! No matter the number on the scale, the mental gymnastics it took to survive in my body were always there and always the same. So I sat there, at my familiar weight in the 200’s and finally said, “Enough.” I didn’t know what my next steps would be, but I knew I refused to hurt my body, brain, and soul anymore. I sat in that place for a year. I stopped counting calories and stopped forcing myself to workout in shame. I didn’t know what my next steps were, but I knew I was done torturing myself because IT DIDN’T WORK. All I knew with 100% certainty was that everything I had ever done did not work. I was at war with the only body I would ever have and that felt wrong from the depths of my soul.

Enter...LISA SCHLOSBERG. From the moment I heard her speak on Nicole Sach’s podcast, I knew she was different. Scales and calories. Pressure and shame. These familiar constants played no part in her coaching. Lisa has been mind-blowingly helpful for me because she has lived it. I can’t tell you how many professionals I have worked with who have never lived in a 300lb body. They don’t know how it feels to live and exist in our world as an obese person. There is a shorthand in communication and empathy that I have yet to find elsewhere. It took my healing to depths I had never explored within myself and especially not with a coach.

I am more connected to myself, body and mind, than I ever have been thanks to Lisa’s guidance. Whether I’m making decisions on what to feed myself or how to move my body, the only thing that guides me is to pause and figure out if I’m going in the direction of love versus fear. I go on long walks because I sleep better when I do. I eat breakfast before I drink coffee because I care about fueling my body appropriately for the day. I stopped buying licorice because eating it in bed at midnight didn’t give me the energy I preferred the next morning.

What Lisa teaches is life-changing, paradigm-shifting and massive. The antithesis of a get rich quick scheme. It’s from the top down, from the soul out. Holistic healing. I am so grateful."

- Erica

"I can have a safe relationship with food, and I would say because of this course I am well on my way to maintaining a sustainable pattern of intentional health."

“I can't thank you enough for all of the love and care and hope you have poured into this group. I have spent a lot of time, energy, and tears trying to get my relationship with food "right." I swung from one end of the pendulum where food was "bad" and I avoided it as much as possible, to the other end of the pendulum where food didn't matter and I could do whatever I wanted whenever I wanted. I learned that the reason I went between both extremes was because thinking about food and eating used to be terrifying. I would cry when talking about going to the grocery store with my husband, and I would get so overwhelmed that I stopped cooking and grocery shopping all together and lived on fast food instead. I thought that meant I wouldn't have to think about food, but instead I swung from obsessing over my "failure" with food to numbing everything. You've taught me I can't escape my relationship with food, but also that I don't have to. You've taught me that food matters, and it's okay that it matters. And I'm safe to pursue a healthy relationship with food, eating, and my body. I can have a safe relationship with food, and I would say because of this course I am well on my way to maintaining a sustainable pattern of intentional health.

Lisa, I am a changed person. I am not afraid of having a relationship with food anymore and that has made so many other parts of my life better, too. I never imagined this for myself, but you made it possible. Thank you. Sincerely.”

- Bridget

"I cannot tell you how emotionally freeing it is to not be governed by someone else's rules.”

"Working with Lisa has been an eye-opening experience. Prior to group coaching, I tried to follow so many prescriptive diets/"lifestyle changes"/"nutrition plans" and ultimately failed (and wondered why I couldn't just "stick to the plan"). By the time I signed up to work with Lisa, I thought I had things pretty well worked out, but wanted to "solidify" my progress. Group coaching helped me to see and work on my own blind spots; this is something that I was not able to do on my own. Group coaching has empowered me to start making decisions in alignment with what *I* want. If you are someone who is tired of following yet another diet plan or set of rules but too afraid to stop, you should work with Lisa. Lisa is not a guru. She doesn't give you a list of rules and requirements to follow. She helps you understand how you got where you are and equips you with the tools to guide you toward where you want to be. I cannot tell you how emotionally freeing it is to not be governed by someone else's rules."

- Lori

"I can’t tell you how freeing that has been to be able to see triggers and see challenges that happen to all of us in life, and to be able to process it so differently than I was before."

"My name is Lesa and I am an empowerment life coach. I came to Lisa when I was really struggling with a variety of food concerns. I was emotionally eating, I then was going to an extreme restriction on foods that I would eat, and then I would swing the other direction and just screw it all and eat whatever I wanted and binge eat. So, the consequence of all of that was that so much of my headspace, so much of my time, was being consumed with trying to figure out what to do. I knew it felt wrong, I knew that I was using food in ways that didn't serve me anymore, but I just didn’t know how to get out of the rut. I just felt incredibly stuck. So in working with Lisa, I began to understand that I can see these times when I am feeling really stuck as an actual signal and I can give myself the help that I need. But only through the tools that she has taught me. I have done so many things to try to help in the past but I really feel like Lisa’s program helped me to cut straight to the core of what I was needing to do to myself. So now I see these times as being signals when I can just sit back and relax into what I’m feeling and just allow it to bubble up and come up with some strategies to help myself and it’s been so empowering and really life-changing for me. I am so grateful for the things that I’ve learned in her program. So now I make decisions based on the true me. Instead of feeling, like oh I need to run to food to comfort myself or to manage whatever is going on, I can really determine and identify what my true need is and operate from that space rather than a space of fear. This really opened me up to not only to take this approach with just food but really to use this approach in every area of my life. I can’t tell you how freeing that has been to be able to see triggers and see challenges that happen to all of us in life, and to be able to process it so differently than I was before. Yes, it is still difficult, but it is difficult in a different way. It is difficult in a very empowering way instead of having all of my power being given over to food to cope. So that’s been incredible. If you’re thinking of working with Lisa through one of her programs, I would highly recommend it. The group support has been amazing and I learned so much through other people’s journeys as we share in our Facebook group and share stories of where we are at. I would 100% back this program. You won’t regret it."

- Lesa

"I feel a lot more present, with food certainly, and with eating, but just a lot more present in life in general."

"So I have been working with Lisa Schlosberg for about almost twelve weeks. I have been doing the group coaching holistic health program with Lisa and 15 other folks in our group and it has been a real game-changer for me. Really life-changing. Honestly, I am someone who has yo-yo dieted. I have tried every literal single diet known to humankind. And of course, none of them worked. When I found Lisa and when I found this group coaching program, I had this sort of knowing inside that this isn’t a diet and this would be something different and I signed up for it with a friend and that was really great to be able to go through this whole journey and go through this process with a friend as well, and I sort of just knew that something would different and I was absolutely right.

I am someone who has been in therapy and who has worked on trying to change their relationship to food and eating for a really long time. Therapy has been great and I have been able to chip away at the surface and make a few connections here and there but it wasn’t until I started doing this group with Lisa, that's where I started to see big changes happen. I feel a lot less anxious around food. I feel like I am less stressed out around food, around what I should or should not be eating. I feel a lot more present, with food certainly, and with eating, but just a lot more present in life in general. I feel a lot more present with my family, with my husband and with my son. I feel a lot more relaxed when I sit down to eat. And I say all of this to say that I am not a perfect eater and that is not the point of this program either. But I have a lot more presence and a lot more awareness and I am listening a lot more to my body and to what my body is asking me for. It has been a real game changer and I am so grateful that I found Lisa and that I found this group."

- Amanda

"I feel like I now have the awareness to live the healthy lifestyle I've wanted . . . It truly changed my life!"

"I found Lisa's program after years of alternating between strict dieting and the "fuck it" mindset of eating whatever my emotions desired. I couldn't understand why I could not just feel "normal" around food and how to get out of this cycle.

Through her program, Lisa not only provided me with the tools to feel at ease around food and make decisions I know are best for my own overall health, but gave me awareness as to WHY I was feeling/ acting the way I was around food, and that has been the real game-changer for me.

I feel like I now have the awareness to live the healthy lifestyle I've wanted, and also have been able to find the balance in navigating the diet/ anti-diet/ intuitive eating/ holistic health arena.

There is SO much to unpack on this subject and Lisa is the most helpful coach with it, setting you up for lifetime success with tools you can use forever. I can't thank her enough for putting this program together - it truly changed my life."

- Rachel G

"I felt nothing short of a complete transformation."

“I am a wife and a mom, and I work full time in marketing. I’m in my early 40s, and before I started working with Lisa, I was totally stuck in an extremely frustrating place. I have been on and off of a million diets since I was 8 years old, and I just could not find my way out on my own. I wanted so badly to figure out how to stop the lose weight >> gain weight >> hate myself diet cycle and I never ever wanted to count a freaking calorie again, but I was totally overwhelmed with all the health advice out there. All I knew was that other people didn’t seem to be so tortured by their relationships with food, and I wanted that freedom too.

I found Lisa on Instagram, and eventually I saw a post of hers that just clicked. I reached out and made the decision to invest in her program for myself. And over the 10 weeks that we worked together, I felt nothing short of a complete transformation. She is a kind and patient teacher, and helped me realize how I had gotten to this place, and how my issues with food were not really about food at all. Every week was like an emotional journey that helped me connect the dots that I just could not connect on my own. She helped me realize that coming back to my SELF was the only way out of the dark place I was in.

When I think about Lisa, I am reminded of the poem by Hafiz:
the small man
builds cages for everyone
While the sage,
who has to duck his head
when the moon is low,
keeps dropping keys all night long
for the
Lisa is that sage. I am so grateful for our work together, and for her guidance, and for her dropping that key!! If you’re considering signing up with her, with investing this time and money and work into yourself, you must do it. You are worthy of being free.”

- Stacy

"I find myself free from many self-imposed chains."

"Since 2019, I've been consistently working towards healing and finding peace with my body. Like everyone, I've faced limiting beliefs, traumas, anger, and even moments of boredom where I felt lost yet clung to familiar patterns, afraid to step into the light. With Lisa's program, I realized that the direction of my journey was entirely in my hands. I needed to be brave and brutally honest to step out of this comfort zone I had arrived into, one that had become a perpetual and perfect excuse in my path of healing. It wasn't serving me anymore, it was only perpetuating discomfort, unhappiness and in many ways an unhealthy life.

We all must take steps outside of the Cave. I decided to face my fears with tenderness. During the program, I chose to break my pattern and start focusing on my physical health, leaving my mind and my thoughts and seeking to feel good in my body first and foremost. I've been for 4 months working out at a gym, which was to me the biggest enemy before that. I felt going to the gym would trigger me so much that I would start counting calories and just think about my body, and not my health. I went with the right intentions, and practice of course, whenever these thoughts come, that It is OK to feel how I feel in those moments, that triggers are a part of life, and it's much better living uncomfortably facing fears, than being comfortable in a place were the search for an answer can be endless (the mind). Understanding we are emotional beings, living a physical experience in a very screwed up social context.

Months later, I find myself free from many self-imposed chains. I've learned to confront what I thought would trigger me and break down the walls that held me back.

There is still work. There always is, but I took a leap of faith, while feeling safe - and this had so much to do with the Out of the Cave container."

- Monica

"I have learned more from her than in all of my years of counseling."

"Working with Lisa has been a complete blessing! I have learned more from her than I have in all of my years of counseling. She “gets it” – she genuinely understands and helps you to understand your feelings and thoughts. Lisa has me thinking of things that I never even thought of – it is so very helpful. I felt very comfortable with Lisa and enjoyed our weekly sessions. She is so knowledgeable and has such great ideas and tips. I honestly will tell you, I believe I made a great investment with Lisa and I feel like I am finally on the right path to losing weight!"

- Michelle

"I have learned so much about myself. I see myself with new eyes!!"

"Working with Lisa these last few months has been a wonderful experience. I have learned so much about myself. I see myself with new eyes!! I've learned to re-parent myself when needed and understand my avoidances. Learning and understanding why I soothe myself with food instead of feeling my feelings was an eye-opener. Best of all, I now understand how I GOT here!! YES!!! It's not my fault, but it is my responsibility. Thank you Lisa for this experience and for always being your genuine self."

- April

"I have learned solid techniques that allow me to ditch diet culture forever, eat mindfully, feel into my emotions, find true connection with what my body needs, and gain confidence in living from my truth in all areas of my life."

"Working with her has been such a valuable experience. She has touched me deeply. Personally. When I first heard Lisa’s unique take around health, weight and body image, it was eye-opening and refreshing. I knew that this was the way forward for me.

​My weight is something I have struggled with my whole life and I’ve been morbidly obese since at least middle school. I yoyo dieted through my twenties and into my thirties, always gaining everything back and then some. Several years ago, I felt out of options and had gastric sleeve surgery. I lost a large amount of weight very quickly, only to gain about a third of it back just as rapidly. That was the lowest point. Weight, surgery, and battles with chronic pain and illness had taken a toll, and I felt so much shame and completely disconnected from my body’s needs.

​Working with Lisa, I started to understand how I got here and why I have the relationship with food that I have. I learned it wasn’t all about food and body image, but that food and body image were all about everything else. I’ve gained so much insight about myself. Understanding brought a compassion for myself that I had never had before.

​I have learned solid techniques that allow me to ditch diet culture forever, eat mindfully, feel into my emotions, find true connection with what my body needs, and gain confidence in living from my truth in all areas of my life. Unlike a diet or exercise coaching plan, this is a perspective-shift. My journey didn’t last the number of weeks we met — it has just begun, and Lisa has provided me with the map and supplies I need to continue traveling the road ahead. Lisa’s insightful cross-disciplined approach, her contagious warmth and glow, and her ability to deeply connect with empathy, makes this a truly life-changing experience."

- Abby

"I learned how to value myself through reparenting myself, and ultimately, I learned how to love me."

"I’m so thankful that I came across Lisa and decided to jump into her group coaching program. I’ve done a lot of work on my chronic pain, which had lasted over 5 years, but at the end of that program, I realized I was ready to face a much more chronic issue in my life: my relationship with food and my body. I had nothing to lose, and the opportunity to get my life back. Spoiler alert: I got my life back!

Although I’d been healed from my eating disorder for a decade, I still had a distorted relationship with food and my body. I was an emotional eater and could never fully get a handle on it. I also had a difficult time separating my weight and shape from my worth. Through the group coaching modules, it became apparent that I didn’t have a problem with food, I had a problem coping with my emotions. I learned how to value myself through reparenting myself, and ultimately, I learned how to love me. Lisa, I can’t thank you enough for giving me such a priceless gift. I no longer turn to food to feel better, because I’m able to work through my feelings. I can hardly express the magnitude of the weight that’s been lifted off my shoulders. Food is no longer a “thing” for me, and I value myself far beyond what I see in the mirror."

- Hannah

"I listen to my body more than I ever have before, and I have begun to prioritize my own self care across many aspects of my life outside of eating."

"I’m a scientist who works in the biotech industry, a wife, and a mom of a 7-year-old boy. I was overweight for most of my life, until about 4 years ago when I started doing Crossfit and then adopted a macro-based diet to lose weight. I lost about 15 lbs and several pants sizes, and I kept it off for several years. However, I was stuck in the cycle of cutting to lose more weight, then maintaining for a while, then feeling like I wanted to cut again.

I felt like I was always “trying” to lose more weight but never fully following through or seeing the success I had in my first cut. I started to wonder if I really wanted to have visible abs or if it just seemed like the thing I “should” do. But I felt like I couldn’t stop dieting either because I was scared I would regain the weight I worked so hard to lose. I felt that if I wasn’t (halfheartedly) counting macros, I would give in to emotional and distracted eating and quickly gain the weight back.

I found out about Lisa through Nicole Sachs and her work on TMS– I suffered from back pain and sciatica since I was 16, and finally had success with curing the pain using TMS/mindbody approaches. That experience helped me be open to taking a similar approach to my dieting issue. When Lisa spoke on Nicole’s podcast, it really resonated with me and I decided I needed to work with her.

Working with Lisa helped me realize that my TMS/chronic pain, emotional eating, and chronic dieting are all rooted in the same issues and come from the same place: repression of emotions, fear of failure, feeling the need to control everything, and lack of self-care. She taught me that your health is more than just your physical shape and weight and that it’s possible to maintain a healthy weight while not working against yourself and sacrificing your mental health and well-being. I see dieting and weight loss completely differently now, I listen to my body more than I ever have before, and I have begun to prioritize my own self care across many aspects of my life outside of eating. I am also working on taming my inner critic and being less of a people pleaser. I feel like I have a completely new perspective on how I want to move forward with my health – physical, mental, and emotional – going forward.

If you are considering signing up with Lisa, and especially if my story sounds familiar, I would highly encourage you to do it – it’s about more than just figuring out how to feed your body, but about addressing the underlying causes of dysfunctional eating so you can be free of “diet culture” forever."

- Meredith

"I needed my conversations with Lisa in order to start having the right conversations with myself."

"I found Lisa when I was in a very dark place with respect to my relationship to food and my body. I was literally searching for someone to tell me what to do – how to eat, which exercises to do, how much, and when, so that I could keep losing weight and not gain it back. But it turned out that wasn’t what I needed at all. I needed my conversations with Lisa in order to start having the right conversations with myself. In a very challenging time in my life (and in the world), because of her, I feel in control and strong. I see diet culture everywhere, and with each session I feel more comfortable rejecting it and instead, I am able to navigate through each day with “health” as my North Star. Lisa is hilarious, genuine, knowledgeable, and so approachable/flexible. She lifts people up by helping them get to know themselves (which is how ANY of this works…) and I cannot recommend Lisa highly enough if you’re ready tap into the true potential of your mental, physical, and emotional health!"

- Rebecca

"I now feel a new BREAKTHROUGH level of self-acceptance, acceptance of others, and life as it unfolds."

"How do I put into words the past 14 weeks? My heart’s desire is to write the most FIRE testimonial, yet I just have NOTHING to capture the essence, the enormity of the experience. But let me tell you of a couple of things it has done for me:

I can actually feel NEUTRAL or even GOOD when I hear my name. (Yes, this is unexpected, huh?) I am 67 years old. Nearly 68—in August, and (weird as this sounds) thanks to your sunshine-y energy, I actually stopped feeling cringey or “in trouble” when hearing my name. There is a very long backstory as to why I felt this way, but you basically undid it in 14 weeks, so beyond thanks for THAT.

While I am not entirely new to several of the concepts discussed in the program (such as brain science, self-compassion & mindfulness), I now feel a new BREAKTHROUGH level of self-acceptance, acceptance of others, and life as it unfolds and most importantly, the ability, to turn TOWARD my emotions and behaviors and examine them, however gingerly and briefly right now, with curiosity and tenderness, in the hope insight for new options will emerge. I have hope that I didn’t have before, likewise, modalities and means are at my fingertips: ALL THE PERMISSION!!!! OH, How my little neglected, abused self needed and wanted to hear that, and she finally heard it, all these years later :-)!

What a profound and wonderful GIFT you and your program are!! {There’s so much more, but gotta leave it there for now.}"

- Glenda

"I now know that I’m not crazy, my brain is actually functioning exactly as it should, AND it is possible to shift my mindset when it no longer serves my best interest."

"Before I started listening to Lisa’s podcast, I felt completely helpless around my relationship to food. After spending decades either on or off a diet (and believe me, I tried them all), I discovered the anti-diet movement. While it was a nice break from the constant stress of dieting, I quickly found that this was not the “solution” I’d been looking for either.Both ends of the food spectrum felt wrong, but from where I was standing, no one was offering a true alternative.

Then my mom recommended I check out Lisa’s podcast and suddenly I was hearing the words I’d been needing to hear: Balance is possible. I signed up almost immediately for Lisa’s program and it’s one of the best things I’ve ever done. Lisa gives you the tools to work on changing the internal dialogue that leads to an unhealthy relationship with food. She meets group participants where they are at; rather than shaming or negating individual health goals, she provides the framework for achieving a calmer and infinitely more sane and balanced approach to wellness. Furthermore, she does so with the utmost compassion, wisdom, and acceptance. Most importantly, Lisa taught me how to unpack my personal history with food through the lens of research-based brain science, which has been an invaluable tool for developing self-compassion and awareness. Prior to this program I was sure there was something wrong with me, that despite many other successful areas of my life, I couldn’t get a handle on why I continually used food in unhealthy ways. Because of OOTC, I now know that I’m not crazy, my brain is actually functioning exactly as it should, AND it is possible to shift my mindset when it no longer serves my best interest. I highly recommend OOTC to anyone who has ever felt out of control in their relationship with food, whether through overeating, undereating, or a mix of the two."

- Abby

"I spent the last 22 years of my life in diet hell, in pain and in fight mode against myself. Lisa helped me to get to a place of peace."

"At my greatest desperation, I reached out to Lisa. I can honestly say that I’m not the same person anymore I was 8 months ago. I learned (and in some cases relearned) that there are many, many other ways in which I’m hungry than for food. I need sleep, I need rest, I need creativity, I need love, I need fresh air, I need movement, I need nutritional food…just like any other human being actually. I’m still learning to take care of myself more and more. I understand that my body was trying to protect me more than anything else. I got aware of so many emotions going on inside of me. I FEEL more then I thought possible or that there is. And I get aware more and more each day. It does take patience with yourself, and lots of it, to work with Lisa, but honestly, I would never ever again do it any other way. Because you know what? I found the freedom I thought I could only ever have as a slim person. The freedom to allow myself to eat whatever I want, whenever I want without guilt… I spent the last 22 years of my life in diet hell, in pain and in fight mode against myself. Lisa helped me to get to a place of peace. For anyone who is thinking about their next diet, PLEASE give Lisa a call beforehand."

- Maike

"I still could shout from the rooftops about how much change I feel in my life!"

“I still could shout from the rooftops about how much change I feel in my life! I’m a 42 year old wife & mother of two. After years of dealing with compulsive issues with food driven by various traumas throughout my life, I began listening to the podcast (recommended by my doctor) & I eventually impulsively completed the application on the website. At the time of my initial call with Lisa, my health was completely in the toilet. I had trouble with my heart, sleep apnea, & my menstrual cycle was nonexistent. Since completing the program, I’ve seen drastic improvements in all areas of my life, especially my physical health. My cardiac issues are all but gone, my cycle has returned, & I feel like I finally have my power back. This step to take care of myself was the best decision I’ve ever made. I’ve gained so many tools to help me with this lifelong journey of learning to truly take care of myself & to model that care for my family. Saying “thank you” for this program & community will never be enough!”

– Jen

"I trust myself for the first time in my life. I am inhabiting my own body. I trust that it knows what it wants and needs."

"Before I started working with Lisa, I felt like my life was run by anxiety and I felt no power over my eating habits. I had low self-esteem and self-worth, which affected all aspects of my life; family, friends, career, health. I was stuck in a diet-binge cycle and any attempt at a balanced diet failed. I was physically and emotionally exhausted. I started digging into psychology, spirituality and self-exploration, but I felt lost and unsure it would help.

Working with Lisa encouraged me to keep exploring my inner world and starting to befriend myself. Lisa made me feel seen and heard in the most vulnerable way and from there I could start accepting and loving the parts of me that I was unable to before. I started healing. The way Lisa explained the brain science behind the behaviors made me realize that there is nothing wrong with me. There never was, it is just what happened to me and the behaviors I developed to cope, to survive. And just as I developed those, I can develop new ones. I started seeing the light at the end of the tunnel for the first time. I started feeling empowered from the inside. For the first time I was on my own team.

I trust myself for the first time in my life. I am inhabiting my own body. I trust that it knows what it wants and needs. I trust the messages I receive from it, the sensations, feelings. I can stay more present in uncomfortable times and I have the tools to bring myself back into balance. I feel more confident in my own self. I am on my way to change my career that I am passionate about. I have improved relationships with my family, and I have met new friends that are aligned with this new me. I accept more of who I am, and I have even bigger goals for the future while enjoying the present moment and the process of learning and growing. I’m not waiting for “when I lose x pounds, I can...” anymore. I feel worthy of it all, now.

This work isn’t easy. For a real change you have to dig deep, you have to let yourself feel all the things that you were afraid to feel, you have to show up for yourself. This was the hardest thing I have ever done in my adult life. But I am a better person for it for the rest of my life and I am a better human to everyone around me. Lisa not only knows the science behind the behaviors, she also lived it herself. She gets it. She sees you. She meets you where you are and lovingly guides you towards freedom. She doesn’t sugarcoat it. She doesn’t pretend she knows everything. She isn’t another diet guru that will give you 5 steps to lose weight. She holds the space for you to uncover who you truly are, how you want to live your life, what works for you. She believes in you and guides you towards your own inner wisdom. In the group Lisa provides loving and compassionate space with deep knowledge, various exercises and she equips you with various tools that allow you to stay on this journey and help you find your own path out of the cave."

"If I could use one word to describe what I have gained from this group it would be awareness."

"If I could use one word to describe what I have gained from this group it would be awareness. Awareness that my twenty plus years of very disordered eating is not my fault. Awareness that I have not felt safe around food for pretty much my entire life. Awareness that diet culture is an absolute a$$hole and led me down a path that robbed me of life. Awareness of what I can and can't control. Awareness that it comes down to what is safe vs. unsafe for me. Awareness that gray thinking can mean freedom and that food is just food. It's not “good” or “bad” and who I am is not determined by what I eat. Awareness that I am not alone and I’m not the only one who struggles with food and their body. This program has given me the awareness and confidence I hadn't had before to keep pushing for recovery. I am worthy of being well. I am worthy of having a healthy relationship with food. I am worthy of not living in fear. I am worthy of living Out of the Cave…and so are you!"

- Jenn

"If you are looking to break free from habits that are no longer serving you or supporting your goals, Lisa offers a way out."

"Lisa has opened the door to a new reality for me! With her help I’m starting to examine why I’ve been stuck in this cycle and ways to be free from it. I’m still learning and practicing the concepts that Lisa is sharing with me but I can report that everything she’s offered has been immediately actionable and makes sense. If you are looking to break free from habits that are no longer serving you or supporting your goals, Lisa offers a way out that is not tied to any products or workouts. I’m beyond grateful to Lisa for her guidance and support in helping me become the best version of myself!"

- Kristen

"If you want to change your relationship with food and yourself, I highly recommend working with Lisa."

"I have always had a difficult relationship with food. I was the fat kid growing up and struggled with being bullied for it. I am a self-proclaimed "emotional eater," well, used to be. This program allowed me to realize "I don't have an issue with food, I have an issue with feeling my feelings." These are Lisa's words that stuck to me and I will never forget it! This group allowed me to develop a new relationship with food, explore my feelings, and develop a plan to change my outlook.

Lisa is hands down a great coach. There is a saying, "people don't care how much you know until they know how much you care." Lisa cares!!! This is her passion and I could not help but to get caught up in it as well. If you want to change your relationship with food and yourself, I highly recommend working with Lisa. She will help you unpack your resistance, your reluctance and your downright stubbornness to not want to change. She will help you to develop clarity to work through and past your traumas, that left you coping using food. Once you clearly see it, you can't unsee it, thus you will begin the beautiful journey to living the life you know you are meant to live. Thank you Lisa for being you and showing up for me so I can show up for myself."

- Jeff

"If you're ready to put in the work and really truly learn to be at peace with yourself in a world where you have to eat every day, give her a call."

"I am transforming my life every day because of Lisa. Her approach to mental, physical, emotional and spiritual wellness is so poignantly different from everything else I had tried or heard of—understanding not only your emotional self but the brain science behind our behaviors is the reason, I believe, that Lisa's program works for the long run. In a world that tells us things are black and white or offers "quick fixes," Lisa teaches about the long road, about imperfectly practicing every day for the rest of our lives.

If you're looking for a way to change your physical body, don't go to Lisa. If you're looking for someone to give you a set of rules on how to be happier & more comfortable around food, don't go to Lisa. If you're ready to learn and listen and put in work on yourself every day, Lisa is who you want to go to. It's not always easy, but the skills she teaches have slowly and effectively transformed my life in a sustainable way. It's not about "fuck diets" and it's not about "only eating whole foods and meditating," it's about addressing your entire system as a physical, mental, emotional, spiritual being, who wants to have a full life filled with love, fun, relationships, emotions, and yes, lots of food.

I can't say enough good things about Lisa and how she's affected my life in such a positive way, but what it all boils down to is if you're ready to put in the work and really truly learn to be at peace with yourself in a world where you have to eat every day, give her a call."

- Emily

"In just a few incredible months, I have felt safe and supported enough in my present, to start to open up and deal with my past."

“The first thing that I learned in this class, is that people come to this class for sooo many different reasons that are somehow all the same.

In just a few incredible months, I have felt safe and supported enough in my present, to start to open up and deal with my past. Its been a wild ride. Life is fucking hard. Opening up on this kind of level, sharing secrets with friends that have turned to family, being entirely vulnerable, raw and honest with our deepest, darkest shit and learning that its all going to be okay, is so...valid.

It took a lot to convince myself that I was worth the cost of this class. The second thing that I learned, was that there is no worth greater than learning to love yourself.

And the third thing that I learned, is that you really don’t know how alone you are until you’re surrounded by people who love you.

And the thing that I will always be learning is that food is fuel and emotions are worth feeling. Just take the class."

- Nichole

"It's not about the food!"

“‘It's not about the food!’
I heard this a lot, but I never understood it
while I struggled to
Stop sitting on the couch every night,
mindlessly watching tv,
mindlessly getting up every few minutes to fill a bowl with chips, nuts, cookies, chocolate chips...
Mindlessly moving hand to bowl,
then to mouth.
Sweet or savory, it didn't matter. I hardly tasted any of it. I was hardly even present in my own body or mind.
Waking up each morning feeling ill, still overstuffed from the night before.
And full, also
of shame and self-loathing and fear.
Thinking, promising myself:
Tonight will be different.
Tonight I'll do better.
But of course, tonight became the same as last night
and I continued on.
Mindlessly living in the cave.
With no idea how to get out.

20+ years into the cycle of mindless emotional eating and exercising to counter the intake, the universe led me to the group program.
Lisa, Ale and 19 other beautiful humans,
was the salve I needed to heal my relationship with food and my body.

Finally, finally
I got the tools to step out of the cave.
Supported every step of the way lovingly and enthusiastically by Lisa and the others.
I was brave.
I learned to Do The Thing.
I stopped using food as a drug to numb my feelings.
I started to accept the things I cannot change.
I learned to listen closely to the voices of my inner children, to validate their feelings, and to feed and nourish them with Love.
I'm learning to let go of Fear and Control.
And yes, I finally understood-
It's not about the food at all really.

I'm so grateful.

Thank you Lisa, for walking me home,
out of the cave and into the light.
It's bright out here, but so much richer.”

- Dayna

"I’ve learned how to heal old wounds, how to love myself no matter what and how to worry less about the things I cannot control."

"She’s not just a therapist, fitness, and health coach, she is a healer and has become my mentor. She’s an extremely wise woman that knows exactly what and how to say the things you need to listen in order to start working on your overall well-being. The World needs to listen to her, she is indeed life-changing. I now exercise and eat better because I want to. I take care of my body, my mind, and my soul because it is my wish, and no one else’s, to do it. I’ve learned how to heal old wounds, how to love myself no matter what and how to worry less about the things I cannot control. If I now feel so fulfilled, it is definitely because of her. I am and forever will be thankful to you, Lisa!! I love you very much!!"

- Ivette

"Knowing that there is nothing wrong with me, that I am not broken, has been incredibly healing."

"What was truly transformative for me was recognizing and releasing the lifelong shame I carried around my weight, my body, and my eating. I learned that my overeating was not the problem -- it was actually my attempt at a solution. My brain was doing exactly what it was designed to do -- trying to keep me safe. Knowing that there is nothing wrong with me, that I am not broken, has been incredibly healing. Now I can stop the constant striving to fix myself. I've learned healthier ways to calm and comfort myself without needing to do that with food."

- Lisa

"Lisa Schlosberg is kind, caring, compassionate, knowledgeable and 100% committed to improving the lives of everyone she works with."

"Lisa Schlosberg is kind, caring, compassionate, knowledgeable and 100% committed to improving the lives of everyone she works with. She approaches the work from every angle and creates a safe and supportive community for this amazing journey. She is a trailblazer in my book.

I did not know what to expect from the program. For sure I wanted to lose weight, but mostly I wanted peace in my mind. The program is not even finished and I KNOW I respond to everything differently. I am more thoughtful and reflective and know how to take responsibility for the changes I want in my life. Change is scary, but with Lisa I don’t have to do it alone.

I recommend Lisa and the program highly."

- Connie

"Lisa embodies a rare combination of fiery, inspiring energy; tender compassion and authenticity; and a crisp, clear intelligence that cuts through the cultural noise to arrive at the Truth."

"I’m 53, happily married for 30 years, and mother to three young adults who have mostly flown the nest. I am an Enneagram teacher, group facilitator, and guide-to-soul, with a focus on awakening from the trance of personality. I am a lifelong seeker after Truth. I've been on countless healing journeys— maybe it's all one long journey— and I love being a conduit for healing in others. Among other things, I’ve gotten sober (11 years+), gone on a vision fast in the desert, conquered a debilitating fear of public speaking, and created the peaceful, accepting family and home I longed for as a child.

However— body shame has been a recurrent issue for me for as long as I can remember, a treacherous and untouchable third rail. Until Lisa, I had never found a therapist or teacher or coach or guide who addressed this issue effectively when it came up, despite their expertise and excellence in other areas.

As a frequent participant and facilitator of transformative group work myself, I am very picky about my teachers. Lisa embodies a rare combination of fiery, inspiring energy; tender compassion and authenticity; and a crisp, clear intelligence that cuts through the cultural noise to arrive at the Truth.

From working with Lisa, I now understand that the harsh, negative, thought/feeling spiral of body shame was my psyche's way of trying to be safe, to belong, to survive in a world that worships thinness, beauty, and youth. I now understand that my attempts to escape by dieting, over-exercising, rigid "wellness" plans, etc., are (understandable!) addictions that keep me from the real work of discovering who I really am and living as my authentic self.

Over the past couple of years, chronic pain and sudden weight gain have forced me to confront how much my sense of identity was tied to my size, appearance, and capacity to use my body in productive ways. At first all I could feel was overwhelming shame and despair; all my energy was being sucked into coping with what was going on inside me. I had to pull back from doing the work I loved because I felt like I had nothing to give.

I am so grateful to have found Lisa and a community where it is safe to talk honestly about food and body image, where I am seen and understood, and where I can learn to practice a new way of being with myself and taking care of myself in a holistic way. I am slowly resuming my work with others, finding that I am able to be even more attuned, compassionate, and authentic. It is astounding how often food and body image comes up in my Enneagram work and finally I have understanding, tools and practices to address it, rather than avoiding it or passing on my own dysfunctional ways of coping with it.

If you are feeling alone in your suffering with food and body image, if it’s dawning on you that nothing you’ve tried so far has actually delivered what you’ve been seeking, if you are looking for the real deal: real healing, real tools, real freedom… you’ve come to the right place. Be brave, say yes, dive in!"

"Lisa has been such a blessing. She continues to teach me so much about myself throughout this process."

"Trust me when I say I wasn’t sure “it would work.” I wasn’t even sure what “IT” was… If you are anything like me, you always do for others. It’s time to do you! It’s time to invest in your mental, emotional, and physical health… and YES, they are all VERY connected. (Something I had to learn). Lisa is unlike any therapist I’ve ever worked with before. I’ve learned coping mechanisms, the importance of positive self-talk, and how to be kind and patient with myself. I no longer label food as “good” or “bad” and am more in tune with my body, both emotionally and physically. Once I felt my feelings, I stopped eating them. I highly recommend taking this step and speaking with her. She will not disappoint. Lisa has been such a blessing. She continues to teach me so much about myself throughout this process. It has not been easy, but what I can promise you is if you are willing to do the work everything will change. Thank you, Lisa! You are a blessing!!"

- Kate

"Lisa has helped me break through all my anxiety and work through it in a healthier way."

"Lisa has changed the way I view eating and living a healthy lifestyle IN EVERY WAY. I’ve always seen myself as the whole problem (the yo yo dieting, the constant diet plans since I’m 12 years old) instead of seeing the diet world/food industry as at least half or even MORE of the problem. She’s helped me find what’s really important: the way I FEEL when I eat well, live an active lifestyle. I’m a classic “I turn to food when I’m sad, anxious, angry” person. Instead of that, I now meditate, listen to music that makes me feel good, call a friend, work on a project at home, or do a 30 min workout that I ENJOY doing. Following a strict diet plan or counting calories/points/macros-whatever it is, just doesn’t work in the long run, plus it’s not important to me anymore. And Lisa has helped me break through all my anxiety and work through it in a healthier way. Plus her circuit workouts KILLL! But you know you’re getting the best workout/therapy session while listening to bomb music."

- Deanna

"Lisa has helped me find the path to a deeper understanding of my relationship with food and myself, and from there real change can occur."

"I've been battling my weight and relationship with food for over 20 years. I have tried dozens of diets only to find myself frustrated time and time again after losing weight and then gaining back even more. A couple of years ago I found the anti-diet movement and thought that was the answer as well. That left me even more frustrated, heavier, and generally feeling lost.

Then my wife introduced me to Lisa's podcast, and we subsequently joined her very next group class. This was a transformational experience. Lisa has put together a method, based in science, to stop the yo-yo dieting mentality and find balance.

She has taught me how to raise my awareness of why I'm behaving the way I do, why I'm compelled to eat or not eat, and most importantly, that it's not really about the food. She has helped me find the path to a deeper understanding of my relationship with food and myself, and from there real change can occur.

While I am just starting out on this journey, I truly feel that I've changed and now not only do I have hope that things can get better, but the tools to get there. If you're feeling stuck like I was, give Lisa a chance to help you change your life."

- Nate

"Lisa was dedicated from the beginning to help me arm myself with the skills and confidence to reclaim my life and happiness from a lifelong eating disorder."

"Individual Coaching: My name is Keri and I had the privilege of working with Lisa in individual coaching. I would highly recommend her for anyone who is struggling to find peace with themselves, their bodies, food and/or eating. Lisa was dedicated from the beginning to help me arm myself with the skills and confidence to reclaim my life and happiness from a lifelong eating disorder. I gained so much self-awareness and healing from our sessions together. I have worked with many professionals over the years but Lisa offered something no one had done before; she had walked the difficult road of recovery herself. That feeling of being understood by someone ahead of me on the path of healing was the greatest gift. She guided me on my journey as a source of wisdom, hope and love. I cannot recommend her strongly enough!

Group Coaching: Lisa’s beautiful honesty, love, passion and wisdom guided me on my path to more peace in my relationship with food, my body, and myself. Sharing and connecting with the other group members helped me to not feel alone on this journey. The videos and assignments challenged my thinking and opened me up to seeing things that my habitual patterns and limiting beliefs prevented. I will carry what I learned with me for the rest of my life. I highly recommend participating in this group experience!!"

- Keri

"Lisa's course helped me find my way back to ME, to be on my own team, to speak kindly to myself, and to truly practice self-compassion."

"Lisa's course helped me find my way back to ME, to be on my own team, to speak kindly to myself, and to truly practice self-compassion. Being kind and loving to myself affects how I feed myself, exercise my body, and nourish my soul. And THAT is a transformation I never thought possible."

- Robin

"Lisa's course is years of therapy thrown into 14 weeks."

"The first thing to say is to put away your concerns about the cost of this program! Why would I start a testimonial like that? Because it's probably the seemingly limiting factor for many people. I guarantee that you will receive at least 10 times in value! That's a bold statement but true. Lisa's course is years of therapy thrown into 14 weeks. But it's worth more than all those years, both in cost and in its immense value.

I sound like a cult member and maybe I am. But, I'm ok with that. I would follow Lisa anywhere. There is truth and logic in everything she says - that is a difficult task - finding logic in an emotional subject. She incorporates the brain science to explain to you WHY you've developed the problems you are having with your eating. It's a combination of science and practicality!

This is NOT a diet program. It won't show you HOW to "lose weight". It provides the tools for you to actually get healthy - imagine that. I know (because you're interested in this course) that you don't even know what "healthy" means. You will learn and you will crave it - and this time, you'll have a gpx to follow for the first time.

I am old - I'm 74 and I've been trying to "deal" with my weight for 74 years. What I haven't been trying to deal with though, is my emotions. I can laugh now because the way I was "dealing" with my emotions was via food. The thing I thought was the enemy (the food) was actually the savior for me so I didn't have to even feel anything that was deep. All my emotions really centered around food and how I feel when I'd eat and then all the self-deprecating thoughts and feelings I'd have about what it meant about me.

What's your relationship with food? Mine has been a lifelong marriage. Food is the only thing in my life that gave me unconditional love - no judgement, no criticism, just acceptance. What more could I ask for? What more did I need - just me and food - the perfect way to survive - NOT.

This is a new beginning for you. It will be scary and exciting at the same time. It's different from anything you've experienced before. There will be an emotional rollercoaster during the course but you will not be alone. The support you'll feel will help you learn how to deal with the every day rollercoaster of life.

I've never had a professional like this stay fully engaged in every way. Sign up NOW and your life will change dramatically."

- Terrie

"Lisa’s course CHANGED MY LIFE! She has so much love and compassion to offer. With her guidance, I was able to learn to re-parent myself, forgive myself for past mistakes, and learn to love myself again."

"I am a 51-year-old mother of a 21-year-old son. I raised him as a single mom from the age of 12, but I might as well have been a single mom before my divorce (which I discovered through Lisa’s course, has caused a lot of my emotional disconnects). Over the past 4 years, I began to feel dissociated from my body and my emotions. I also put on 20 pounds and was SO uncomfortable in my skin. Before working with Lisa, I had tried every diet on the planet, was so overwhelmed with information and was deep into anti-diet culture. I binged regularly and could not figure out how to stop that. I would binge mindlessly and then cry and hate myself for doing that, not understanding why I binge, why I couldn’t stop and what was wrong with me . I joined Out of the Cave to lose physical weight but after 14 weeks, I lost so much emotional weight and gained a new love for myself and also met some of my best friends.

Lisa’s course CHANGED MY LIFE! She has so much love and compassion to offer. With her guidance, I was able to learn to re-parent myself, forgive myself for past mistakes, and learn to love myself again. In fact, all my relationships have changed for the better! My partner and I are now communicating better and we have grown stronger because I now know my worth and that my feelings are valid. I am learning to love my body for what it can do and I realize that I am not my body, I am a beautiful soul. I no longer think of food as the enemy and I can now eat to fuel my body and I rarely binge anymore. If I do binge, I no longer think, “what is wrong with me?” I can now think “Hey, what’s going on? What are you feeling?” which is so much kinder! This work is HARD and I am still working on myself, but I now have the tools I need to show myself grace and love. I could not do this 14 weeks ago.

I also met some of my best friends in this group. We still chat regularly and we support each other every day. We all grew together and I now have my tribe, a group of people who fully understand me, love me for the person I am and not the body I inhabit.

I can’t not express how valuable this course is. I wish it was taught in schools and that I would have learned this information in my 20’s. I would take this course over and over and over. My only regret was not taking it sooner. Best investment in myself I have made - EVER."

- Dawn

"Lisa’s lessons were perfectly timed with everything that was coming up for me as each week went along."

"Lisa’s wisdom with fear, her power to love and see me brought me to this program. My fear of food was so real but my fear of life and love was underneath all of it. Lisa created this safe space to allow me to be vulnerable and to allow myself to Feel. Lisa’s lessons were perfectly timed with everything that was coming up for me as each week went along. It’s like she knew without knowing. Lisa showed me how to reparent myself. To go back and sit with my inner child. To listen to her and to love her. And in doing so, I learned I was no longer alone.

Lisa helped guide me out of my own dark cave. I was afraid of the sun, afraid of my feelings, and afraid of any human connection. My advice, don’t run away. Move towards the sun, move towards your feelings and always move towards human connection. Lisa is a Gift to be opened when you’re ready to walk into your truth. When you’re ready to look deep into your own truth, to sit will all your fears, anything is possible."

- Jen W

"My life feels happier, quieter."

"Working with Lisa as part of the Out of the Cave group coaching program has changed my life and my relationship with food forever! Not only did she help bring to light unhelpful patterns in my life, she also helped me connect the dots as to their origins.

Knowing how these patterns began allowed me to identify them more easily and choose a different way of doing things. I learned that feeling my feelings actually allowed me to move forward quicker. I am not always successful, as old patterns sneak up on you, but I can quickly identify them and try again next time.

My life feels happier, quieter.

Lisa helped me realize all of the noise I was creating to distract myself from feeling. I have changed long-standing habits that were no longer serving me. Most of all I have a community from my group members that are always available with supportive and encouraging words on days when I need them."

- Ilona

"My life is very different now."

“My name is Rachel, I'm from Australia and I'm a journalist and photographer.

Before working with Lisa my life was a constant search; searching for what was wrong with me so I could fix my "food thing". I went through a lot of abuse as a child and teenager which led to an eating disorder which led to 15 years of using food and eating to cope with any and all emotions; positive and negative.

It was swinging from restriction and dieting and 6-week challenges to lose 10 pounds, to not caring and going into fuck-it mode stuffing down my emotions with food. I could remember a time before I used food to cope with my life, and I was searching for how to get back to that. And this course was it.

Working with Lisa grounded me. It strapped me to a chair for 12 weeks and lovingly made me look at my life and my brain and my emotions so I could see, without judgement or negative criticism, why I was doing what I was doing. It very quickly becomes about everything EXCEPT food. I came to a deep understanding, in my soul, that food was a surface-level coping mechanism so I could avoid feeling fear, other emotions too, but mostly fear. Working with Lisa was like exposure therapy for the emotions I was subconsciously refusing to feel.

My life is very different now. On the level of eating, I can go out for a meal and not feel scared about what I'm eating or the people around me or the calories or the macros. I am very in tune with hunger and fullness signals. I don't turn to food to cope and when I get the familiar drive to do so, it's a clear and strong signal to me that there is something emotional here that I need to address. I can enjoy meals with family and friends now. I can eat any food I want to without eating copious amounts of it. I'm a better friend, colleague and partner because I'm not so emotionally reactive.

The emotional effect of being free from the burden of using food to cope is at once incredibly enlightening and very painful. Once you begin to feel the emotions food and eating were protecting you from, you can't go back. And that hurts. But that pain is so much more freeing than the pain of being trapped in the cycle of eating to cope.

If you use food and eating in any capacity to cope with your life. Do this course. I can personally guarantee you will not regret it and it will change your life. You know when you see other people have a few bites of ice cream and stop because they're full? You will become that person. I know that's difficult to believe, if someone told me that three months ago I would have laughed in their face and said that could never be me "because I just love food too much". But it can be you. This course is the loving and fierce guide that you have been looking for your entire life.”

- Rachel

"No magic pill, just practice and trust and connecting with a community that has seen the blinding light of what is: my own agency."

"What is different for me now is that I know option 3 (believing there is some program, some doctor, some therapist, some pill) does not exist. That I can go inside, stop abandoning myself. I can practice loving who I am in the body I have---and let fear sit in the back of the bus. I can be uncomfortable in the midst of it all, trusting that I am safe. No magic pill, just practice and trust and connecting with a community that has seen the blinding light of what is: my own agency."

- Susan

"Now I feel a peace around food that I could never have believed was possible."

"I so highly recommend that anyone who has struggled with the ramifications of years of dieting and body image issues seek out a chance to work with Lisa Schlosberg as soon as possible. I felt like I had hit a wall with just not being able to deal with my litany of eating and weight struggles anymore and knew I could not face another diet, but didn’t know what to do instead. I started working with Lisa and now I feel a peace around food that I could never have believed was possible. I have learned and grown so much through our work together and I will be forever grateful!"

"Out of the Cave has given my life back to me."

“This program has changed my life. I have never been able to have a healthy relationship with my body before this work. After 45 years, I am no longer taunted or defined by the number on the scale. Out of the Cave has given my life back to me."

- Erin

"She has taught me more about my food issues than any diet class or program I have been involved with."

"Lisa understands eating disorders and food issues to the core. She is able to get to the root of our food issues on an individual basis and helps us to understand ourselves and why we do what we do… She motivates us to go beyond what we believe is possible. Lisa is a gift that has come into my life and exactly the right time. She is wise beyond her years because she has lived through a lot in her short time and persevered. Lisa sees all of her obstacles as necessary in order for her to understand herself and in turn, how humans operate as it relates to food. I have benefited greatly from Lisa’s support and personalized attention to my needs. She has taught me more about my food issues than any diet class or program I have been involved with (I’ve tried it all!!!). Please consider just one session with Lisa and I promise you won’t be disappointed. I couldn’t be more grateful for stumbling upon her FB page and having the opportunity to train with her- mind and body!"

- Amanda

"She is loving, supportive, and makes you feel seen and validated just like we all want. She gives you space to grow and really helps you help yourself!"

"During the past 12 years, I have had a roller coaster ride with my relationship to my body, to food, and especially to exercise. Before I started this program, I was no longer going to follow those rules the diet culture gave me, but I still wasn’t happy with myself and my body. I hadn’t started really fighting for myself yet. When Lisa talked about FIGHTING FOR OURSELVES…I had a pivot in my frame of mind. I was no longer doing things out of resentment. I was doing them out of self-love. This was a game-changer for me. This is when I really started changing in this program. I could start loving me!!

You always hear…love yourself….and we all know we need to do that. Lisa did an amazing job of helping me put that all together for myself. I really do love myself in a whole new light now. This belief now had an emotional charge to it. The way she teaches made a lot of sense. She used brain science, energy information, psychology, social science, and put it all together along with being so empathetic and loving. There is a lot of detailed attention she gives to this program. She has a method that she did a lot of work on to align your focus, so that your brain can help you heal along with your heart. If you are considering this program; DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU are sooooooooooooooo worth it! She is loving, supportive, and makes you feel seen and validated just like we all want to. She doesn’t tell you how to feel. She supports all the feels! She also gives you space to grow and really helps you help yourself! Lisa is amazing and I am forever grateful to have had the pleasure of working with her. She is fulfilling her dharma and it we all get to benefit from it."

- Angela

"She really opened my eyes to look at food differently and go into it with a different mindset."

"Where do I even begin? Before I met Lisa I never thought about where my weight loss issues began. I was constantly on diets growing up but then would gain my weight back plus some. Lisa made me realize that diet fads don’t work and that I needed a life style change. She would question me saying “what happens when the diet is over? Now what? What happens when you stop counting calories/tracking your food intake?” She really opened my eyes to look at food differently and going into it with a different mindset. She makes me think, and I hate thinking. I am used to people giving me answers and telling me what to do and how to do it. Not Lisa. She makes you use your mind and dig into those feelings. Even when she trains me, there are exercises I do that will make me feel uncomfortable, but uncomfortable is a good thing and it has made me a stronger person. Lisa is such a great person to work with."

- Cori

"She will help you set meaningful and realistic goals and support you the whole way through."

"If you are ready to address your weight issues once and for all and get your strongest body, then Lisa is your perfect coach. If all you’re in it for is a meal plan and an exercise regimen, feel free to look elsewhere. Just remember Lisa and come back after it doesn’t work. And trust me, it won’t work permanently. Lisa’s holistic approach addresses how we arrived at the place we are in now. You will address your mind, body and spirit. True change comes from addressing all 3. She is warm, funny and wicked smart. She will help you set meaningful and realistic goals and support you the whole way through. She is passionate about helping you become a healthier you. Do yourself a favor and commit to working with her! You won’t regret it!!"

- Cheryl

"Stress, in varied forms and intensity, is an inescapable part of life. A troubled relationship with food and your body is not."

"Here's what it comes down to: Our relationship with food can be our gateway to a richer human experience, and Lisa Schlosberg is the guide I absolutely want with me on that journey!

I'm a 57 yo woman and mother of 4 who has trained in a wide range of nutritional philosophies, holistic healing modalities, and emotional integration techniques...and my relationship with food was still fraught. Since the age of 12 I had been stuck in a circular pattern of losing and gaining weight that I clearly recognized but could not fully extricate myself from.

The last, and biggest, bout of weight gain came during a time of intense activism and the huge life transition of moving across the country. If you think about it, that should have nothing to do with food and eating, but we all know it does. Why? and How do we heal that? are the questions Lisa's comprehensive program helps you answer for yourself.

Stress, in varied forms and intensity, is an inescapable part of life. A troubled relationship with food and your body is not. The deep knowledge, powerful work, compassion, humor and community that Lisa offers facilitates an honest, loving and transformative relationship with self. It's freeing me from a 45-year battle and creating a more beautiful voyage through life.

If you are suffering in this realm, you deserve the mind-body-soul wellbeing that Out of the Cave Group Coaching can bring."

- Gina

"Thanks to Lisa my relationship with myself is becoming better everyday, and I'm becoming the person I always was but somehow lost."

"My life has literally changed because of OOTC. Before OOTC, I was having a daily struggle with my relationship to food. I was cycling daily/weekly with restriction and then binging and could feel myself spiraling out of control. I knew I wasn't able to stop myself anymore from this cycle and couldn't get my eating habits back to a healthy place, which scared me seeing the lack of control I had at that point over my eating habits/life. Thankfully, OOTC came just at the right time when I was completely lost on how to help my disordered eating. With OOTC my eating has now stabilized for the first time in a decade. I'm no longer binging and no longer feel the need to binge. Like I'm literally not waiting for the day or the month that a certain celebration comes, so I have "permission" to binge or splurge. I don't feel that way anymore, which for me is incredible. I'm at peace with where I'm at. It makes sense to me now how I can embody a life of healthy eating that is actually sustainable. I used to be in constant emotional and mental pain from constantly thinking of food, obsessing about food, and having these thoughts create fight/flight emotions inside of me. It was a taxing and scary mindset to always be in. I couldn't see how I could successfully get through life given how difficult it was for me to function given my relationship with food - the time, energy, and toll it took on me. It was hard to imagine surviving that for the rest of my life. But now with OOTC, I have the skills and resources to successfully navigate my emotions and all the messiness that life brings, which in turn reflects my relationship with food. Thanks to Lisa my relationship with myself is becoming better everyday, and I'm becoming the person I always was but somehow lost. She was the next stage in my journey of rediscovering myself. I'm understanding myself and learning about myself in ways I had no idea were possible, and I'm so excited to be walking through life with the me I reconnected with. I am now able to live a healthy life (which is more than just eating), and I feel so positive and hopeful about the future, especially in relationship to myself, my emotions, and food. I'm so grateful I found Lisa when I did. She literally saved me in so many ways.

Also the community I gained in this program is just phenomenal. The group of people in the OOTC program were incredible. I connected with people on levels like I never have before. I did not realize how much shared humanity we all experience, and I feel so much more connected to the world after this program. I'm so thankful for my new community that I will take with me after OOTC as well."

"Thanks to my work with Lisa, I have a second chance at life. I finally learned to treat myself the way I deserve to be treated."

"I have been in some sort of therapy most of my life, and after decades of not getting anywhere, on the recommendation of a trusted friend, I started working with Lisa one-on-one in August 2019.

18 months (and one global pandemic) later I've made more progress than I did in 18 years of traditional talk therapy. Her brain science-based approach turned everything I thought I knew about myself upside down.

It wasn't easy. At times it made no sense to me, but Lisa has seen it all, and guided me along the best path for my particular journey. I feel hope. I feel promise. I feel like I'm going to be okay.

I didn't used to speak like this by the way. I used to think this was all bullshit. That god hated me (and sometimes I still do). But I've never been happier to be dead wrong.

Thanks to my work with Lisa, I have a second chance at life. I finally learned to treat myself the way I deserve to be treated -- with love, compassion and patience. To give myself a fucking break. To know that there's no way to avoid pain and to see it, love it and sit with it is the only way to heal."

- Brekke

"The Out of the Cave program has been such a game-changer for me."

"The Out of the Cave program has been such a game-changer for me. It's shifted the way I think about food and, ultimately, my own self. I never realized how disconnected I've been from my body all these years; yet, if you'd asked me before the program, I'd have said otherwise. The biggest difference has been learning to pause before I eat, to check in with myself. Whatever I decide in the end, that pause--that breath--makes a world of difference."

- Linda

"The decision to do this work is the best decision I have ever made."

"When I found Out of the Cave I was desperate. I had been binge eating daily for four years and I could not stop. Instagram pushed a video of Lisa talking about her relationship with food on to my feed and I knew I had found the support I was looking for. It is not hyperbole when I say working this program has changed my life. I learned to meet my struggles with compassion and curiosity. I learned that I am not the problem, I have problems, but I am not one of them. While these struggles are not my fault, they are my responsibility. The gentleness and generosity of spirit that Lisa has modeled has allowed me to lovingly, kindly take ownership of my own life. I am cultivating a sense of safety around food and my body that I did not think was possible a few short months ago. I don’t have the words to express how grateful I am for Lisa and this program. The decision to do this work is the best decision I have ever made."

- Jenny

"The group environment gives you a voice to express yourself and you feel supported through each meeting."

"Lisa and her group coaching program has been the missing piece of my puzzle in my struggle with emotional eating and weight loss. I find myself so lucky to have found her and her words of wisdom and support. She is truly remarkable, positive, and insightful and I cannot recommend her and the program enough. The group is a unique program unlike any I have found. It deals with real issues and challenges your thinking. It opens a path to knowledge that is so important for your journey. The homework is deep awakening and guiding to answers to much-asked questions. The group environment gives you a voice to express yourself and you feel supported through each meeting. I can't thank Lisa enough for the time and effort she puts in for coaching. I know this program will be with me on my weight loss journey and lead me to my success."

- Marina

"The lightbulb goes off, the connections are made, and nothing is ever the same. There is something magic here."

"I’m 54 years old and have struggled with my weight and body image since adolescence. For decades I have either been on a diet or beating myself up for not being on a diet. I have spent so much time feeling ashamed and uncomfortable, avoiding the mirror, and playing small. Over the past few years, I really lost my way with food and movement and my spirit. I was desperately seeking relief and connection when I found Lisa. I joined the Out of the Cave Group Coaching Program and wow, just WOW! What a warm, supportive, safe, enlightening, AND tremendously challenging experience! THIS. WORK. IS. HARD. During the 14 weeks of the program, I learned and grew SO MUCH! I have so much more clarity on why excess weight has been my unwelcome companion for so long, and why it keeps coming back…it really, truly, honestly is NOT about the food. I expected this program to reinforce what I know and believe about spiritual connection, energy, beliefs, and brain science (I read neurology books for fun) … you know, the same great stuff through a different lens…NOPE. This program is SO MUCH more than that. There were, and continue to be, so very many AH-HA moments. The lightbulb goes off, the connections are made, and nothing is ever the same. There is something magic here. I am so grateful for Lisa’s generous support, guidance, and insight. And I am equally grateful to be part of this community."

- Sherene

"The most powerful insight for me on the course was to gain an understanding of what my intention was to lose weight - self-actualization, being the best person I can be, and living a full, meaningful life.”

"I have struggled with my thoughts about food, weight etc. my entire life and I am now 55 years old. I knew what Lisa had experienced, studied, and practiced regarding our struggle was not only truth but would ultimately change my thoughts and thus my destructive behaviors and change my old habits like bingeing, starving, and dieting that were no longer serving me. The course definitely guided me on the right path. In our 3 months together, I have come to discover the deepest truths about myself. It helped me understand the struggle I have with my inner child and how I have to bring her in, acknowledge her, but not let her “drive the car” as Lisa says. I have come to understand that all my destructive behavior is based on fear, literally fear of dying from bad feelings, and my inner voice that is so self-critical and harsh. Just having an awareness of what is going on in my thoughts has helped me practically. When I want to binge or when I have negative thoughts, I can listen and acknowledge my inner child being scared and not be so hard on myself. I am kinder to myself. I have learned that food will always be a struggle, it never goes away, but we can dance with this struggle instead of resist it. It is a privilege and honor to have Lisa share her knowledge, spirituality, love and deep understanding of the human experience in the area of diet culture, food, exercise, and general well being . The most powerful insight for me on the course was to gain an understanding of what my intention was to lose weight. Not actually about being thin, but about self-actualization, being the best person I can be, and living a full, meaningful life."

- Estelle

"There is no going back once you are out of the cave, and I couldn’t be happier."

“Lisa’s Out of the cave work picks up where anti-diet/intuitive eating and over a decade of therapy left me- feeling stuck. I have experienced trauma in my childhood and some big traumas lining up more recently. I’ve spent years in therapy, medicated currently unmedicated for ADHD/depression/anxiety. I did WW for decades and every time I went off it the weight would come back with a vengeance. My weight peaked even more during the pandemic while I embraced Anti-Diet culture and intuitive eating. When I heard Lisa’s story I knew she was the real deal and after meeting 1:1 I trusted her to take me through this journey in her group coaching program. I held that trust during the program which was challenging and at every point I was feeling weary or confused, the next module was waiting for me with so many answers. I also had the good fortune to be able to attend an OOTC retreat a few weeks into the group program and was surrounded by so many wonderful women who had gone thru Lisa’s program. OMG…what an experience! It was affirming and inspirational. I truly feel like I have found my tribe of individuals; we are able to see ourselves in each other so beautifully in a safe and caring space.
It was exactly what I needed! Sometime during the program, the anxiety I had always known since I can remember, the buzzing undercurrent always present in my belly, went away - Something therapy and self-help books were never able to deliver for me. Some of the most impactful components of the program for me was the inner child work, journaling and learning self-compassion I was massively lacking. Lisa was spot on when she told me I was in the right place to do this work. I can’t think of a better way to invest In myself and my future. There is no going back once you are out of the cave, and I couldn’t be happier. Lisa - I am so grateful and filled with love for you and the hard work you put into creating OOTC.”

– Cyndie

"There is no way I could have healed on my own"

"I have struggled with my weight since I was 8 years old and I recently turned 50. Four decades of compulsive over eating, of hating my body, of hating myself for eating, of feeling hopeless, of feeling ashamed, of feeling broken, of wishing that I’d never been born. How I am still here to write this testimonial is beyond me.

I have tried countless times to lose weight through various programs, methods, and sheer willpower. In the early ‘90’s I went away to school and lost over 100lbs by walking around campus….and starving myself. By losing the weight I thought I’d also magically make friends, find a girlfriend, and become extroverted. None of that happened obviously, so I went back to eating and gained back 250lbs. I felt like a failure.

Ten years later I went on another weight loss journey. This time, by walking and cutting back on eating I lost 250lbs. I got a new job, a fancy car, started dating for the first time, and eventually got married. Once again I thought all of my problems were solved….once again I was dead wrong. I was absolutely miserable. I hated my job and couldn’t handle the stress of my first relationship so I turned back to food.

My marriage collapsed and I gained over 350lbs. I quit my job and went back to school, still miserable. Was my brain broken? Despite 2 stays at an intensive outpatient facility for weight loss and depression, weekly 12 step meetings, and a forced stay in the psych ward I felt more hopeless than ever. I gave up and tried to eat myself to death.

In 2021 a therapist recommended trying Journalspeak. I listened to a couple podcasts by Nicole Sachs and searched for an episode involving food. In listening to Lisa share her story I heard topics spoken that no one had ever voiced before. I listened to a handful of OOTC podcasts and felt some hope. For a couple weeks I was able to slow down and be more mindful while eating. Unfortunately my inner parts panicked and I stopped listening to Lisa’s podcast.

Fast forward to early 2023 and I was desperate. I’d be turning 50 in May and something had to change. Just in listening to podcasts some of my parts calmed down a bit and the suicidal ideations decreased. I blamed 8 year old Jacob for turning to food, but Lisa shared the idea that he hadn’t started a problem, but found a solution. Also that I didn’t have an issue with food, but an inability to process my emotions.

As the group coaching program started I was gung ho and feeling confident for the first week or two. My parts panicked again and I deep fears of being seen, rejection, and failures resurfaced. I dissociated through the next several weeks. At no time did I ever doubt that Lisa’s program would work, IF I could get my parts on board. I detected not one iota of bullshit, which was both exciting and terrifying.

At no point did Lisa give up on me and halfway through the course I took the huge risk to connect with the other members. As these connections strengthened, so did my hope. There is no way I could have healed on my own. While I am not where I want to be health wise, my parts are slowly beginning to trust that we can engage in life without turning to food….and that we deserve love and peace."

- Jacob

"This course has changed my life in too many ways to even list them all."

“Dear Lisa,
The work you do here is like nothing else I have ever experienced. My whole life I went thinking something was wrong with me when really there is nothing wrong with me it is what happened to me. Deep down I always knew there was something else out there but never know what. THIS WAS IT!

You have taught me so much over this course things I can never put a price on. I have grown so much in all areas of myself. Focusing on my inner self has given me so much happiness, hope, and relief I was searching for.

Before this course I was mad all the time. I’d seem fine on the outside but inside wasn’t truly happy or even know who I was. Becoming a mom was the most beautiful gift but also one of my most earth-shattering life experiences. I lost myself deeply. You guided me to my inner self and meet myself again from the beginning as well as meet parts of myself I never really truly knew. While I know this journey is forever I fell I have the tools in my toolkit to help me grow and adapt along the way.

Lisa I am so sorry for all you have had to go through in your life to learn what you know. I am so thankful God has guided you through it to land where you are. He has led you to your true calling. You are such a gift to this earth and all of the people you come in contact with. I’m am so blessed to have crossed paths with you I can’t even begin to describe how much you have impacted my life!

This course has changed my life in too many ways to even list them all. One of my biggest takeaways is I am a mind, body, soul system and nothing is wrong with me! My soul, physical body, and animal brain feel so much lighter and happier regardless of any physical measure.

The course has also given me confidence that I can do this for the rest of my days and navigate things thrown my way, because “life is daily!” -(Pat P.)”

- Shannon

"This experience was a deep homecoming. From pain to power, I am full of peace."

"The Out of the Cave coaching program offered me a space to explore true fullness. As a result, I have completely reclaimed my relationship with food, my body and myself from the inside out. After 15 years of food intolerances and inflammation, I broke free from all diet labels, rules and restrictions into a freedom I never knew was possible. My gluten-dairy-egg intolerances disappeared along with my chronic symptoms including migraines, back pain and fatigue. I was able to safely reintroduce and sustain nourishment by honoring my hunger and holding my fullness. I better understand and trust both the simplicity and complexity of the human experience. I became tolerant of my emotions, my experience and myself.

Lisa’s integrative approach combining accessible embodiment and digestible education inspires hope, stability and strength from within. With deep authenticity, she guides a sustainable love-based journey back home to self and teaches tangible tools on how to reparent with curiosity and compassion. I felt so seen, so validated and deeply held by a community full of warmth, kindness and support. I no longer felt alone or had to do it alone.

Coming out of the cave rippled everywhere. I unraveled layers of perfectionism that controlled my life. Off my plate, I now feel more relaxed in areas that I used to run anxious: work, money, spirituality and relationships. I learned how to heal through my own inner connection. I have more tools to cope with my emotions and the inevitable stress of life. I now lead with love, live in my body and welcome fear by my side. This experience was a deep homecoming. From pain to power, I am full of peace."

- Alison

"This is not a diet; it is a deep dive into the mind-body connection."

"For as long as I can remember, my relationship with food has been one of love and hate. I’ve done all the things good dieters do. I have tried all the gadgets, diets, tracking apps, scales, and exercises. The crazy thing is, I’ve never really been overweight. I’ve just had a crazy fear of gaining weight. If you’re anything like me, you get to a point where you just want to be done with all that stuff. That’s where I was when I came across Lisa’s podcast. I listened for several weeks, and her message continually resonated with me. Her guests were saying the things I thought in my head, and they were acknowledging her message that you can truly live a life without fear of everything food.

A few weeks later I found myself on the first Zoom call meeting with people from all over the United States and the world hoping to break free of the diet mentality and all that goes with it. This is not a diet; it is a deep dive into a mind-body connection. I have watched fascinating videos that support the work Lisa talks about. I have learned how to acknowledge my feelings and journal them. I have learned techniques to help relieve stress and calm my mind. I have listened to others ask the difficult questions that I want to ask. I have also rejoiced when someone in the group shared a heartwarming story about a breakthrough they have had. I am looking back on the last several weeks with such gratitude for my classmates and for Lisa and Alé. You will laugh, you will cry, and you will do some hard work, but in the end, you will be Out of the Cave and find that the sunshine is oh so wonderful!"

- Debbie

"This program has changed everything for me!"

“Before this program, I valued myself based on the scale and was constantly thinking about food and what I should and shouldn’t eat. I blamed myself for my weight and felt so much guilt and shame. Now, I feel like someone turned the lights on and this huge burden has been lifted. I don’t think about food constantly and no longer blame myself. It’s taught me to be kind to myself in ways I never have. I have an inner peace with myself that I have never had before. This program has changed everything for me! It has been such a blessing!”

- Janel

"This program has helped me transform in unexplainable ways."

"I have known Lisa for over two years and she has talked to me about doing her group coaching program for that long. But I always thought, “Oh I don’t need it! I have heard her talks at retreats, I have listened to her podcasts, I don’t need to do the program too!” Well finally after two years, I took the plunge and signed up for the program and I am sooo glad I finally did it!! It was EVERYTHING. The community aspect is huge. I am one who tends to isolate and this program helped me so much with taking accountability for my actions I continued to show up for myself and get the much-needed support from all of the group members and from Lisa. It was so nice to not feel alone and to be with a community who “spoke the same language” and who I could be my authentic self with, with the knowledge that nobody was going to judge me. Such a space of safety. And Lisa is amazing. She consistently showed up as a validating attuned cheerleader and always helped me to feel seen and heard. Such an unconditional approach as she was always in acceptance of however I showed up. I have learned from this program to approach myself in that same aspect. To have acceptance for myself and know that I am right where I need to be. This program has helped me transform in unexplainable ways. Prior to doing OOTC, I already did the healing from chronic pain and thought I had it all figured out, but this was the final missing puzzle piece. I have healed so much in my relationship with food as well as body image concerns. I am living my life awake and not using food as a drug and am out of the cave. To quote Lisa, “Welcome to the rest of your life feeling safe as you are.” I am SO ready for the rest of my life feeling safe as I am. Thank you!"

- Jaime

"This program is the real deal. There is no going back into the cave."

“How do I ever in a million years say thank you enough for this program? I can barely get these words out without getting very emotional and teary-eyed. This has been such a transformational experience and the funny thing is, it doesn't necessarily feel like what I expected a ‘transformational’ experience to feel like. What I mean by that is: I tend to have lofty goals and huge expectations (cue inner perfectionist) for programs, for change, for myself, and this time it finally feels like change is sticking and it is happening amongst the stressors of daily life. It is happening in the tiny spaces and cracks where I am allowing it to. Where I am saying yes to what I have learned and applying it one baby step at a time. It is happening despite so much inner resistance and fear. And it is happening because I found myself in the right place at the right time and decided enough was enough and just showed up as I am, in the program. I'm finally realizing it's all ok. It's okay for it to be messy, to not be perfect, to try and try again.

You have helped me to see the value of showing up as I am (not how I think I should be or how society tells me to be). You've given me so many insights into the myriad of limiting beliefs that I have been desperately holding onto AND you have given me so much permission. Who knew all I needed to unlock some stuck bullshit was to be given permission?! I'm an adult and I can do whatever I want!! It's weird but I really was not operating that way for most of my adult life. Even at times when I thought I was operating that way, in particular related to any addictive behaviors, binge eating, drinking, smoking, sexing, etc. I thought I was ‘doing whatever I wanted’ but it was all being guided by fear, by trauma responses, by not allowing myself to feel the wretched feelings of grief and rage and sadness that were underneath all those behaviors. Now it's like I am a fuckin adult and I can do what I want so if I want to eat something less nutritional for me, I can but I'm doing it with so much more awareness. So much more ease. My TMS and anxiety were so high at the beginning of this program and while I'm still working on both, I can say they have both decreased in severity. Also, these days I am not drinking (occasionally at a social event but not at home), I'm not smoking pot anymore, and I'm bingeing less. I mean whoa.. who knew that kind of change could happen so quickly?!

I know I have oodles more work to do but I am so damn proud of how far I have come. And I haven't been telling myself that I am proud or given myself credit for practically anything in life. So damn hard on myself to no avail. Your program and me being in the right place at the right time has finally cracked that shell. I can't believe how much shit I have been through, how much shit I have put myself through without that awareness. Without acknowledging how hard it has been or telling myself I'm proud of myself for making it through.

There were so many times watching the modules where my mind, body, and soul were blown away. So many insightful revelations that you provide in the lessons, in the homework, in the Q&A. I just can't thank you enough. I feel like there are a lot of different healing programs and modalities out there these days and it can be hard to know what is legit, but you are the real deal. This program is the real deal. There is no going back into the cave.”

- Angie

"This program will change your life if you are open to it."

"If you have been doing the same things over and over and over again and expecting different results… Lisa’s group coaching program is for you!!! This is a sign, it is now time to do something completely different!

I was on Weight Watchers since 2004 and in therapy since 2010. I knew my mindset wasn’t healthy and something was missing. I found the missing link because of Lisa’s podcast. When I listened to her first episode, I was “out of the cave” and reclaimed self-love right away.

Then, I signed up for her group coaching program to figure out how to truly live “out of the cave”. I healed my relationship with myself and then it snowballed to others in my life (husband, kids, mom, etc..). This program will change your life if you are open to it. Challenge yourself, if you want to change. The choice is always yours to make."

- Jennifer

"This thing will change your whole life!"

"Working with Lisa has been truly transformative for me. Lisa is just the best!!! I have done many courses over the years in order to try to resolve emotional eating habits, and this course is the only one that has really shifted things for me in just 14 weeks. I have learned how to take care of myself and connect with myself as a whole human being, which is a new way of living that changes everything!

I am feeling so much more grounded, present, and at peace in my day-to-day life ever since starting this course, and I am so excited to continue practicing this work and listening to all of the course modules and live calls over and over again. It feels like a new beginning for me. Thank you Lisa for such an incredible program. This thing will change your whole life!"

"Through Lisa’s curriculum, I have found a new way of feeling, seeing, and being that makes me feel vibrant again."

"It is hard to put into just few words how much this course has impacted my life - and will continue to impact it in such a meaningful way. Through Lisa’s curriculum, I have found a new way of feeling, seeing, and being that makes me feel vibrant again. Loving my body has always been a challenge. Now that I am ‘Out of the Cave’ I’m not focusing on how I can perfect my body and my image but how I can find grace in loving myself authentically. The life altering changes that will ensue long after I have taken this course are inevitable because as I continue to practice what I now know, my growth is endless. Take this course…it will change your life for the better!"

- Kristin

"Throughout the program, my uncertainties and resistance continued to surface, were challenged little by little, and began to be lovingly reframed to not feel unsafe, hopeless, or like they were defining me."

"I joined the Out of the Cave Group Coaching program with a lot of fears & anxieties! I felt trapped and despairing about my body because of significant weight gain within the past few years (on top of decades of turmoil, pain, and shame related to my body size). I felt a sense of panic like this might be my "last chance" to turn a corner in my relationship with my body. I felt overwhelmed with the idea of making time for calls and practicing new information for 14 weeks on top of my other obligations, and honestly, I felt SO ANGRY about having to even think about it or spend any more time, money, or energy on all of this!
On reflection, I can see how those feelings were all part of the exact roots that are explored by Lisa's teaching. Throughout the program, my uncertainties and resistance continued to surface, were challenged little by little, and began to be lovingly reframed to not feel unsafe, hopeless, or like they were defining me. The difficult parts didn't magically go away, and in fact, it became clear that allowing myself to feel even more of my fear, grief, overwhelm and EVERYTHING ELSE would be necessary, but we were guided with knowledge and tools that helped to diffuse the intensity and build increased gentle curiosity for & acceptance of those feelings. Lisa led us through a methodical approach for using our relationship with food and our bodies to rediscover a relationship of compassionate self-awareness where deeper healing can occur.
I'm still not at the point I hope to someday be with my body, mind, and spirit, but even being able to see a longer term vision without so much pressure feels like a gift. I know the lessons of Out of the Cave will continue to settle in, and I anticipate my thoughts & feelings will evolve as that process continues. I also feel thankful for the connections I've made with the other group members, ongoing After Care opportunities, and Lisa's energy to support and nurture the community she's building. It helps to know I'm walking this lifelong path with friends and cheerleaders by my side, and I look forward to further growth outside of the cave!"

- Nicole

"Working with Lisa has completely opened my eyes to what my relationship with food has been for most of my life."

“Working with Lisa has completely opened my eyes to what my relationship with food has been for most of my life. She has helped me to differentiate what my beliefs are in comparison to others and how to work through that. She has helped me to work to love my body and allow myself to be okay with discomfort and accept a process. She finds a way to comprehend food in a way that adults and children understand. You only have one body for the rest of your life and she supports people to work through challenges to see that your body is worth caring for. If you want a contemporary and empowering way of learning about the relationship between food and your body without the primary focus on weight, I guarantee she can support you. She helps you see that your worth is much much greater than your size and this is critical.”

- Alyssa

"Working with Lisa has shifted my self-awareness to an all-time high. Which is truly the key to change."

"This program blew my heart WIDE OPEN! I cannot encourage you enough to consider Out of the Cave. After hearing Lisa speak and watching some of her lectures online I immediately connected with her message. Lisa's program is not about weight loss. For me, it was more like therapy. It is about learning tools to help you work through your emotions and traumas in a positive and truly healing way. You will find something that resonates with you. Each week I could not wait to join the next class. Things I did not expect...The group and the tribal connection are very important (much more positive than I expected) to understanding others' perspectives and realizing how much we truly have in common with each other. Working with Lisa has shifted my self-awareness to an all-time high. Which is truly the key to change. Lisa's personality is nonjudgemental, genuine, and witty AF. She is a pure pleasure to work with and I am going to do round two! It's that good! XXOO"

- Kamlyn

"You couldn’t find a better guide to help you on your journey to self-discovery and freedom."

"Lisa has put together an amazing curriculum with this program. She really has mastered this material and explains it in such a way that it so poignant and meaningful. Her love is felt in every group call and in each video. You couldn’t find a better guide to help you on your journey to self-discovery and freedom. Thank you so much for this!"

- Rachel

"you will learn to connect with yourself and others in one of the most gratifying and delightful ways possible."

"Lisa is one of those rare women who possesses a multitude of astounding qualities. To say that she is absolutely brilliant is an understatement as her knowledge and wisdom are extensive and vast. She is extremely articulate, caring and compassionate having the capacity to be fully present with whatever is surfacing for you. Her capability to listen attentively and consistently validate whatever you are feeling or thinking is a rare trait in many people in general never mind a teacher and a healer. Many just want to impart their knowledge onto you as if there is a one size fits all answer. Lisa recognizes that we are all unique coming from a variety of backgrounds that have resulted in a dysfunctional relationship with food and body image. I find her combination of insight and humility to be welcoming, refreshing and truly wholesome. Her Out of the Cave Program is one of the most comprehensive curriculums towards freedom from societal and cultural messaging around eating behaviors and one’s relationship with her body. The curriculum focuses reconnecting with one’s own truth and using the relationship with food and body as the gateway. The modules begin by digging deep into how as a culture we got in to the predicament of having these unhealthy relationship in the first place. She then offers extensive psycho-education around how to truly nourish and care for oneself ranging from self-care strategies, implementing self-compassion, being the witness to your own mental dialogues as well as learning how to emotionally self-regulate. The tools she offers and teaches are invaluable and can actually be used in any area of life. Furthermore, the community she has constructed is tremendous. To be part of a community of like-minded individuals with similar struggles is truly the way out of the living in the shadows of what society and culture have taught us around our relationship with food and our bodies. I highly recommend working with Lisa either one-on-one or in the groups that she offers. You will not be disappointed and you will learn to connect with yourself and others in one of the most gratifying and delightful ways possible."

- Muna

“Words cannot express how much this journey has changed me.”

"A few months ago, the thought of my “highest self” felt like an idealized dream. This program has brought me closer and closer to becoming that person every day.

Words cannot express how much this journey has changed me. I no longer recognize the person I was when it began. I came into this experience afraid, reluctant, and clinging onto my limiting beliefs and perspectives for dear life. I leave it with a new sense of hope, a dozen new best friends, and a completely different relationship with food, health, and myself.

The other day, I said that I love myself. I didn’t say “I love myself BUT”. I didn’t uncomfortably laugh. I didn’t take it back. I meant it….for the first time in my life. I have Lisa and Alé and the incredible friends I made along the way to thank for that."

- Rachel M

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